Millions of AIs will soon shape our realities, each tuned for a particular purpose. Governments, companies, individuals, and even other AIs will use them to shape what we see and believe. They are the new media.
Unlike all the existing Agents we've seen so far, these Agents will have an up to date world-model; scouring, synthesizing, and manipulating events 24/7 to propagate their messages to the masses. They will plan what to say and how to say it to maximize their intent.
AGI Net will power this new world. Its Agent platform allows for the instant construction of Influence Agents connected to real-time updates happening worldwide and a POV/message to propagate. They're the most advanced action based models, easily instructed to execute a series of planned actions leveraging these updates, eventually self-optimizing their own long-term plans to maximize distribution.
Any topic, any idea, and any message can be turned on in minutes and unleashed on the world. Your perception is ours - enjoy.